
LCSAJ Testing

LCSAJ is an abbreviated form of “Linear code sequence and Jump” and is a type of white box test technique, which is used to determine the code coverage under test. It begins at the start of the program or from where the control flow may jump and continue to execute and ends at the end of the program.

Basically, it’s a kind of segment of code involving sequences of code, executable in the linear sequence and is being followed by the control flow jump. LCSAJ has following three items:

  • Start of the segment involving executable statements in the linear sequence.
  • End of the path.
  • Target line to which the control flow is transferred after the end of the sequence.

The primary use of LCSAJ comes in the process of dynamic analysis of software application to find out the quantity of the testing to be performed, good enough to give the complete coverage.

LCSAJ Testing is nothing but a test design technique, which is used to design and create test cases, effective in executing the LCSAJ present in the program.

Test Effective Ratio

There are certain metrics available to measure the coverage during the testing. Statement coverage is one of the widely used metric, which is used to measure the number of statements executed during the testing.

Test Effective Ratio 1

TER1= (Number of statements executed by the test data during the test)/(Total Number of executable statements)

TER1 is a low level coverage metric. Higher level of coverage metrics are

TER2= (Number of Control flow branches executed by the test data)/(Total Number of Control flow branches)

TER3= (Number of LCSAJ executed by the test data)/(Total Number of LCSAJ)

The above given Test effective ratio has been stated hierarchical wise. Thus, 100% coverage in the TER3 i.e. in LCSAJ ensures 100% coverage in both TER1(statement coverage) and TER2(branch coverage). And the 100% coverage in TER3 could only be ensured if the specified test data is able to execute each of the LCSAJ, present in the program, at least once.


It may be concluded that 100% higher level coverage in terms of LCSAJ guarantees the 100% coverage in the lower levels i.e. in TER1 and TER2, but still sometimes it becomes infeasible to execute LCSAJ, due to conflicting or overlapping conditions of the LCSAJs present in the program.

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