
Automation Testing Feasibility Checklist

Definition – Automation Testing

It is a process in which tester or testing professional uses some automation tools to functionally execute number of tests within the application before release. Automation testing is quite expensive which includes investment of money and resources. It is advantageous because it increases the speed of test execution and test coverage. These are some of the popular automation testing tools – Selenium, SoapUI, Appium, Galen, etc.

What is Automation Testing Feasibility?

Feasibility in automation testing plays an essential role in order to test an application. There are several set of steps which need to be clarified to start analysing automation feasibility. It is a method that thoroughly examines in-depth metrics of automation testing so that it becomes easier to perform automation testing on particular application software.

Need for Checklist

It is obvious that whenever we follow a simple pre-decided pattern, we minimize the risk of failure and disability in any process. We follow that procedure to plan a checklist before quantifying automation testing feasibility. It is necessary to follow some steps to completely cover-up the major points with proper analysis. There are some common problems which mostly affects in automation testing feasibility which are lack of clarity, missing test data, identification of dependencies, etc.

Key points

  • Dependencies and pre-requisites: These dependencies make a process execution simpler.
  • Test Steps: Appropriate testing steps leads to the correct results without any functional errors.
  • Availability of test data: Test data is an essential part in analysis, improper test data or lack of test data may lead you to major problems.
  • Expected Results:When the analysis is proper, it is natural the results will be as expected.
  • Traceability:It is important to keep an eye for overall work, whatever the task going on; it must be cross-checked.

Major Operations

  • Lack of Application Knowledge: It is mandatory to have a thorough knowledge about application before any kind of analysis.
  • Subject Matter Expert (SME) Support: It helps a tester to recognize everything from support. Support system always adds a value to a process.
  • Test steps Duplication: Duplicity may leads to wastage of time to analyse the same step again and again.
  • Availability of multiple set of data: This will help to process faster the complete analysis.


  • It reduces manual execution effort.
  • Improvise the automation efficiency.
  • It also helps to produce effective multiple test cases.
  • Checklist helps in controlling and avoiding risks in automation.

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