
Dependency Testing

There are wide varieties of testing techniques, to carry out the software testing process in order to get quality results. Numerous techniques and strategies are functionally discovered to fulfil the criteria of software performance, reliability, functionality and security, and dependency testing is one of them. Let's explore how dependency testing evaluates the software products and how it's related to application requirements.

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What is Dependency Testing?

Dependency Testing is a software testing technique in which application’s requirements are pre-examined for an existing software in order to achieve desired functionalities. The impacted areas of software are also tested while testing new or existing features.

The examination takes care of two major factors; faults and defects existing in the application. Just like other applications or tools, software has some impacted areas such as compatibility; user-interface and most importantly there should be no such vulnerability for information breach.


From above, all the corners of dependency testing illustrate a fundamental approach to disclose number of defects or imperfections that collectively helps to meet quality objectives. The dependency testing fundamentally examines the application requirements of existing software.

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