
Test Plan For Agile

Protocol Testing
Before any testing can be done a lot of groundwork needs to be completed. Ideally, this groundwork would define how the testing would proceed. In this regards, our article will help you gain more knowledge about Test Plan for Agile. But before we can begin you need to know what constitutes a Test Plan.

Test Plan

A Test Plan is a document that states the scope and purpose of testing. It has a special mention for the resources required and the type of testing expected.

Agile Test Plan

Popular belief is that Agile means "no documentation". On the contrary, Agile propagates the need for a working software with reduced documentation. Agile methodology stresses on responding to change in order to keep up to date with all that is happening at any given moment. If this means tweaking and adjusting the testing plan then so be it. The fact of the matter is that Agile is all about being dynamic. In Agile, a Test Plan is made for each iteration or release and as such it is a short and concise document that consists of:

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  • Testing Done In A particular Release – In Agile each release is validated separately. Hence, the type of testing expected to be done to confirm the functionality of each release is mentioned in the Test Plan. This might be a descriptive brief of just a checklist of all the tests that need to be performed.
  • Test Environment – If a specified test environment is needed then that will be mentioned in the Agile Test Plan so as to prepare everybody involved beforehand. This saves time and also prevents any costly confusions.
  • Test Data Requirements – The kind of data that is required in order to complete testing along with its source is also mentioned in the Agile Test plan. This ensures timely availability of input and completion of all related tasks so that testing moves forward smoothly.
  • Infrastructure and Resources Required – A major dampener when all else is moving smoothly can be the lack of infrastructure and other related resources. In order to overcome any deficiency at a later on stage these requirements are clearly mentioned in the Agile Test Plan. Planning for the same can thus be initiated without interrupting the software development work.
  • Risks – Finally, an Agile Test Plan will always mention any obvious risks that might be involved in testing a release. This way everybody is prepared to work around it and still achieve the milestones and meet the deadlines.


As per the age old methods and steps followed, a test plan is usually the first document that is prepared prior to the beginning of any testing. A traditional test plan would be a bulky memo consisting of numerous pages giving endless details about every task that has to be performed. Doing away with the need of endless and useless documentation an Agile Test Plan lays stress on all that which is important and effects the testing schedule. This way a working software is delivered with minimum fuss.

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